What Does Putting Something in Cold Storage Mean?

Cold storage warehousing uses advanced cooling equipment to preserve perishable items such as food, medicines, cosmetics, plants and flowers by keeping them within a precise temperature range to safeguard their quality and longevity. You can even store film and artwork in a cold storage warehouse for better preservation. Storing items in cold warehouses holds numerous advantages for businesses that trade in perishable goods, as this practice can minimize wastage and extend the shelf life of their products. 

The Basics of Cold Storage 

Typically, cold storage temperatures range from 32 to 50 degrees Fahrenheit for refrigerated items and -20 to 0 degrees Fahrenheit for frozen items. When choosing a cold storage facility, ensure the warehouse meets your specific temperature needs.

Apart from accommodating your temperature requirements, a good warehouse can meet your cold storage needs by providing the following: 

  • A well-maintained refrigeration system: The warehouse should have advanced cooling equipment that they regularly service. 

  • An advanced temperature monitoring system: These systems include sensors, controllers, and alarms to track the temperature and make necessary adjustments. 

  • Sufficient insulation: The warehouse should provide thermal insulation to lock cool temperatures in. 

  • Backup power options: Alternative energy sources must be in place to protect your products in case of a power outage. 

  • Adequate storage: You want to ensure that there is sufficient storage space for your goods now and in the future. A scalable facility will be able to accommodate your growing inventory.

Industries That Rely on Cold Storage 

Cold storage warehousing serves many industries, including the following: 

Packaged Food

The food sector deals in frozen or perishable goods such as poultry, meat, seafood, dairy, fruits, and vegetables that must be kept at a low temperature to avoid spoilage. 

Agriculture and Dairy

Fresh produce like milk, fruit and vegetables must also be stored at cooler temperatures to avoid premature ripening and degradation. To preserve their shelf life, fruits and vegetables require specific oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and humidity levels in a carefully controlled atmosphere. 


Substances such as medicines and vaccines must be stored at precise temperatures to maintain their safety and efficacy. 


Cold storage can offer the ideal temperature and humidity levels for storing flowers, plants, bulbs, and nursery stock. This storage method helps to prolong their shelf life and prevent wilting. 


Products like lipsticks and mascaras are susceptible to melting in high temperatures. Companies might opt for cold storage when they store these items for an extended period. 

Reasons for Cold Storage

The following are a few of the common reasons why a business may place its goods in a cold storage warehouse:

Prolonging Shelf Life

By carefully controlling temperature, cold storage warehouses significantly increase the time that perishable goods can be stored without spoiling — reducing potential waste and financial setbacks. 

Reducing Waste

Wastage decreases profit. The greater the amount of spoiled and discarded products, the more impact on a company's bottom line. With cold storage, companies can store products for extended periods, making it more likely that they will sell. 

Cost-Effective Storage

In recent years, the cold storage industry has seen the development of advanced cooling technology that significantly reduces energy demand. With lower energy expenses, bulk storage can be more cost-effective than storing products in individual freezers and refrigerators. 

Maintaining Product Quality

Storage in a cold warehouse helps inhibit the growth of bacteria, delays enzymatic processes and lessens the chances of contamination, all of which contribute to preserving product quality. 

Meeting Regulatory Requirements

Cold storage requirements are numerous and strict to keep products as safe and effective as possible. To remain in line with these regulations, cold storage facilities must meet the standards of Good Distribution Practices (GDP) and Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) to uphold compliance and ensure high levels of quality assurance. 

Best Practices for Cold Storage Management 

Because how the warehouse is run directly affects your product quality, you want to work with a warehouse management team that practices the following: 

Inventory Management

Facilities can utilize warehouse management software and barcode systems to allow precise monitoring of inventory levels and real-time tracking. These systems help streamline operations and minimize errors in inventory management. 

Regular Maintenance and Inspection

Cold storage warehouses use specialized technology requiring periodic maintenance and servicing for optimal functionality. 

Adherence to Safety Protocols

Companies that operate cold storage facilities must adhere to strict rules concerning food safety, the storage of pharmaceutical products, and occupational health and safety. They must also maintain detailed records and train their staff to adhere to these regulations. 

Keep Your Products Cool With Forte Frozen

Storing your products in a cooling warehouse that meets regulatory requirements and practices good storage management can safeguard your stock and prolong its shelf life — and make it possible for you to provide fresh, high-quality products for your clients. 

Forte Frozen offers customized storage services to meet your specific cooling needs, plus room to scale as your operation grows. Contact us today to learn more about how we keep your products cool. 

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